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Opinion : A Christmas Song Seldom Sung

By Jayakhosh Chidambaran

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Hark! will you lend your ears and hearts
For a true message that is seldom taught
Amidst the fun and frolic of Christmas nights
And drowned in the revelry of selfish chores
A lost recollection of the tale of a winter light
That shone in a lone manger on a starry night

A pregnant mother in the streets of Bethlehem roaming
Knocking inn doors with moist eyes; a heart sinking
Seeking a place for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
Creator of heaven and earth by His infallible word
Who has annexed the heart of man before the beginnings of time
By an everlasting love, now at the mercy of men!

The merriness of Christmas is a stark reminder
A silent reflection of God condescending
The heavenly riches of His glory for a manger
Who exhorts us to remember the poor and the weak
To be a voice of the voiceless, defenseless and powerless
And offer solace to wealth of breathing miseries forgotten in our midst
For He inflames our souls to do small things with great love

Selflessness is a pact with bliss and a wellspring of endless joy
That culminates in transcendent knowledge of agape love
The touch of a known unknown forces a revelation in the eternal now
Mind challenges the heart to rediscover the lost wisdom etched in conscience
That love is forever perfected in sacrifice
Only Love makes us grow from man to human
And become living waters in a thirsting world!
